How have others helped a loved one struggling with addiction, who is homeless, find a place to live?



My brother is homeless. He has a job but the cost of housing is so out of control that I don’t know how to help him find a place to live. I am wondering if you know of any programs that might be of assistance in housing in the Ashland Or. area? Is there any assistance for housing that you know of in Jackson county Oregon?


Having not experienced this personally I can’t answer from my own experience, but I was able to do a bit of digging online and found these two organizations which look like they might be helpful:

Have you tried anything like these services above? The first is a non-profit and the second is a government initiative (I believe.)


Your brother is lucky to have you, @Lori_Bailey. If possible, try and get names and numbers of people near him (friends, social services, locals who know him) who might be able to help ease your mind until he finds housing. You’ve already made a great step in trying to identify housing options in the area, and I’d encourage you to inform your brother about the resources given here, as well as help him identify the nearest hospitals in case of emergency and potential treatment options in your area.
Here are a few more resources that may be helpful:


Let us know how you get on @Lori_Bailey <3